
0 Kč - 131000 Kč

Spray walls

Spray Walls

Spray walls

Spray walls are designed for painting larger products or flat glass.

You can try the spray wall in our training centre GDS ACADEMY.


0 Kč - 131000 Kč
srdce Spray wall - ECO LUFT 024

Spray wall designed to extract media overspray and odours that arise during the surface treatment of products.

2 597,40 € 3 142,86 € including TAX
srdce Spray wall - ECO LUFT 035

A spray wall designed to extract the overspray of the medium and the odour that arises during the surface treatment of products.

2 979,37 € 3 605,04 € including TAX
srdce Spray wall - ECO LUFT 055

Spray wall designed to extract media overspray and odours that arise during the surface treatment of products.

3 857,91 € 4 668,07 € including TAX
srdce Spray wall - ECO LUFT 029

Spray wall designed to extract media overspray and odours that arise during the surface treatment of products.

2 826,59 € 3 420,17 € including TAX
srdce Spray wall - ECO LUFT 064

Spray wall designed to extract media overspray and odours that arise during the surface treatment of products.

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