
6.5 Kč - 4049 Kč

Decorative Glass Overlay

Decorative Glass Overlay

Decorative Glass Overlay

The RegaLead range of materials is based on a system of "gluing" given layers onto flat glass, such as decorative faceted and fusing glass slides, coloured films, lead tapes, etc., to create beautiful designs in imitation of classic stained glass.
This versatile system of given materials can be used to recreate or create variable designs that look like classic stained glass, or innovative modern decorative glass can also be created or simple space fillers can be produced.


I tuto technologii si můžete vyzkoušet na našem semináři Regalead lepená vitráž.


6.5 Kč - 4049 Kč
28,76 € 34,80 € including TAX
9,59 € 11,60 € including TAX
9,59 € 11,60 € including TAX
6,11 € 7,39 € including TAX
7,83 € 9,47 € including TAX
9,59 € 11,60 € including TAX
7,79 € 9,43 € including TAX
12,87 € 15,58 € including TAX
7,52 € 9,11 € including TAX
7,52 € 9,11 € including TAX
srdce Váleček š.50mm na olověné pásky

Váleček k zajištění maximální přilnavosti olověných pásek na sklo.

8,79 € 10,63 € including TAX
srdce RATM03 Tvarovací plastový nožík černý

dokončovací nástroj k utěsnění okrajů

0,25 € 0,30 € including TAX
srdce Váleček š.150mm na fólie

Váleček z tvrdé pryže pro aplikaci fólií. 

15,28 € 18,49 € including TAX

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