Glass Paints
Glass Paints
Different ranges of glass paints. The choice will be influenced by the field of glassmaking and also the way you want to apply the paint.
TYPES OF COLOURS: Ceramic colours, Organic colours, Precious metal preparations (gold, platinum, lustre), Hybrid colours
COLOURING: We can colour most of the colours in our special "colour" laboratory.
- Table glass
- Decorative glass
- Container glass
- Flat glass - interior
- Flat glass - exterior
- Flat glass - home appliances
- Automotive and transport equipment
- Borosilicate glass (e.g. laboratory glass)
Application methods
- Screen printing (direct, indirect=printing)
- Spraying
- Brush
- Rollercoater (roller coating on flat glass)
- Curtaincoating
27,96 €
33,83 € including TAX
34,03 €
41,18 € including TAX
23,99 €
29,03 € including TAX
32,01 €
38,73 € including TAX
38,01 €
45,99 € including TAX
25,10 €
30,37 € including TAX
20,02 €
24,22 € including TAX
29,98 €
36,28 € including TAX
29,98 €
36,28 € including TAX
27,96 €
33,83 € including TAX